Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just a character flaw

I've been thinking about character flaws a lot lately. I have many (but the fact that I realize them is probably a good thing right? RIGHT?).

Some of mine:
I need praise/feedback - if I receive none, I get paranoid (hence today TheBoss asked me a question out of the blue and I freaked out, "TheBoss knows I'm alive! Uh oh, I don't have the answer to his question in front of me... THIS ISN'T GOOD!")

I also have a strong opinion about someone, or no opinion about someone. Meaning, I'm either completely biased, or not even a little biased in employee relations situations.

I take everything personally. I want you to like me even if I'm telling you that "we are freeing you up to look for better professional opportunities." I've gotten over that by a lot, but it's still there.

I get very annoyed when I'm working on something and someone interrupts with a question that doesn't involve life-or-death.

I get very annoyed when someone asks me a question that I feel that they should either know the answer to themselves because they asked me already, or could easily find out, but choose to be lazy.

The point is that I know what my flaws are. I try to deal with them as best as I can. A lot of HR is dealing with other people's intellectual and behavioral shortcomings and helping others to do so as well. (WOW! That sounded zen-like!) I know who isn't going to smile ever, who hates everyone, who isn't aware of how they look to other people, who's shy...

... who's shy. I get very annoyed with shy people.

TheBoss is shy. Someone told me this recently. And I never thought about that. But it's 100% true. That's why the DeltaHouse-saving leadership moment is never coming. TheBoss is too shy to give it. But he'll tell other people to have other people relay that message. And I was thinking about a lot of times where TheBoss being shy was the reason behind either A) really bizarre situations, or B) really bizarre behavior is deemed OK by TheBoss.

TheBoss cowers at the chance to make an address to the employees, or even write a quick note to the employee base (I do those). TheBoss doesn't walk around and ask people how they are doing (TheBoss asks me what I know about them). TheBoss doesn't tell people that they are doing good or bad work (he just asks me to can people who he's decided that doesn't like for zero discernable reason, fortunately I can stop that when it happens).

Here's why I get annoyed with shy people. Throughout my life as a child, I was shy (most children are, it's probably a natural defense mechanism). My parents refused to allow this. They taught me to shake hands with adults, look them in the eye, and greet them like a adult. And even engage them in brief conversation. This served me very well, and it helped shed shyness. But I've been constantly around people in my life that I never understood, then someone finally said, "They're shy! That's why they don't talk that much. You just have to get to know them."


I have to work to get to know the shy person? Really? Why? Can't the shy person practice not being shy by stepping out of his shell and speaking to me? I'm pretty easy to talk to (I've checked). No one has to work to get to know me. Why do I need to work to get to know someone who'd rather be hidden in a hole somewhere rather than have to talk to other people.

DISCLAIMER: I have no point with this, I'm just venting. And I'm not talking about people with autism, or people with severe emotional disorders than prevent them from leaving the house. I'm talking about people who can work, but can't talk to co-workers.

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I can't stand shyness either, the only reason shy people reamin shy into adulthood is because somone coddled them. Prpbably their Mother "OH Bubba is so shy..." and let him hang on to her skirt, or stood there at daycare and tried to reason with a crying kid who didn't want to go to school instead of saying "have fun" and walking away without looking back.
When I meet a "shy" adult I immediatly decide to force them to talk to me and tell me about themself and shake that shit.
So, either shy people hate me or they love me.


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