Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Excuse me while I rant...

I found out today that an employee doesn't have a home phone (or cell phone). I was infuriated by this. This is someone that calls in all the time, and he doesn't have a phone number. Should you be able to reasonable expect that one possess a phone? Could I fire someone for that? Part of me also thinks this though, "Man, that's the best you do, hunh?"

At what point do you stop helping people who are screwing up life? I have a guy that always needs a loan. He's not a junkie (I can tell at this point), he just doesn't do money well. Do I yell at him? Do I not allow a pay advance and tell him that he's F'd up his life and this is the consequence? Would that make a difference? NO! Does giving the pay advance make a difference? NO!

I once went a week without uttering a word at a previous job. Seriously, I tried really hard. No one approached me. No one ever approached me to see how I was doing, or what I was doing. This should be a crime. I'm darn close to seeing if this would work at DeltaHouse.

In my career the time I spent at companies that took any time to try to teach me and develop takes up exactly 7.4% of my working career. This should be a crime too. This is actually why I'm looking right now.

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