Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Signs that you are going to be a sh!tty employee...

Feel free to add more in the comments section...
  • You live with your parents.
  • You do not possess a car or a license, and rely on other co-workers for rides to work.
  • You do not have a phone in your house.
  • You ask about vacation/sick time when you have only worked for three weeks.
  • You don't ask questions, you just make statements and then wait for a response. Today's was, "vending machine's busted again."
  • You are high.
  • You ask for FMLA within your first four weeks of work.
  • You graffiti your own locker (this actually happened, within two weeks).
  • Mysterious stuff happens to you every week that never seems to happen to anyone else.
  • You can't handle money.
  • You are related to another employee who helped you get the job (has happen 15 times at DeltaHouse, 15 strikeouts).
  • You live on instant messenger.

1 comment:

La Gringa Loca! said...

You can't read this list.

You come in smelling of hard liquor.

You've told me about all the s**tty bosses from your past 4 jobs in the 20 minutes it took to fill out your application.


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