Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4 Types of People that Will Ruin Lunch

First thing's first, I'm going to be on the HR Happy Hour podcast on Thursday (live), or Friday (podcasted). Check it out. I'm going to tell some stories I wrote about already. And some new ones too. Back to the article.

The group lunch, the most ridiculous social experiment in the history of work. You and people that you kinda like are about to go out to lunch together. Here are the people that are going to go with you for lunch...

No Veggie Guy
This guy doesn't want any vegetables... ever. If it's green and he's eating it, it's cookie icing. His hamburger has only cheese, meat, and maybe ketchup on it. If you ask him why he has made such a lifestyle choice, he reacts like a vegetarian.

No Ethnic Food Guy
(by the way, "guy" is just easier to write. Feel free to assume I mean both genders). This person is afraid of any kind of ethnic food. And no, I don't mean the questionable Indian food buffet down the street. No Ethnic Food Guy doesn't want spaghetti or tacos, or any of that other "foreign food."

The Vegetarian
This person is scary. They go to lunch, sip diet soda, and ask for a side of rice. Then blather on about how this was the only option available to them to eat. Before lunch they "didn't care" about where you were going to go. Now that the group picked, you are treated to stories about how the cows that went into the burger you are currently eating... nevermind. You didn't want to know the first time.

The Creature of Habit
This person only wants to go the place you've been going every day for the past past seven years and order the same sandwich/salad/dish that they've always ordered. They get the shakes when you suggest going to a new place, because that new place isn't the same place you've been going to forever. And if you get lunch at the new place, that means you're not going to the same place you've been going to forever.

1 comment:

HR Underling said...

Don't forget the Bring Your Own guy, who will always bring his own, but then realize he needs something from the kitchen to complete it...so he asks even though he is not spending a dime


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