Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cheers to Ben Eubanks

So my guy Ben Eubanks took a few minutes to talk about the VHRG. (I just went third-person on you... BOOM!) And he had questioned the leadership at DelatHouse and TheBoss, as the primary reason for my disenchantment at DeltaHouse. And he hit the nail on the head for me. Allow me to explain using an example from this week.

MiddlePart needs a new person. A good person. The right person. I know MiddlePart needs this person. I like MiddlePart (other than a middle part that would make Dwight Schrute jealous) so this is going to be fun for me. Find someone good... I love finding someone good. For some reason, no one at DeltaHouse has a budget that they can spend. Basically, you have you ask your boss (in my case, TheBoss) for clearance to spend money. Typically the decision is made based on how serious he perceives the needs to be and if there is money. I inform MiddlePart of this and cringe as I do it because I know what TheBoss is going to say at the suggestion of spending money on a job posting... "Can't you post on Craig's List for free?"

Which is exactly what his email said two hours later when he responded. TheBoss doesn't get the VHRG's back, the VHRG tried to hire without getting enough candidates, MiddlePart makes a hire he's not too excited about, the hire has a higher probability of failing because the process that TheBoss wanted to do was cheap and sucked, MiddlePart has a bad feeling about the hire and if the hire falters, he'll be out. Crappy leadership.

Moral of the story: If you have a good leader and a good culture, hold on to it with both hands, and never let go.

1 comment:

Southern Wine Trails said...

Sounds SOOOO familiar. And I agree, with both of you.


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