Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Costume Ideas? Anybody?

For some reason, DeltaHouse feels the need to have people dress up for Halloween. For even strangers reason last year, we fired a girl on Halloween. Imagine someone dressed and made up exactly like The Joker from The Dark Knight letting you go... it happened. That's the last time I call in sick on Halloween. So anyway, I need an idea for Halloween. And I figure that being that I'm the perceived black hole of all that is good and pure at DeltaHouse I ought to dress the part. Any ideas? I was thinking devil or vampire.


The Team*** said...

get a tiera and a sash that sais "Ms. understood"...that will play head games with everyone at delta house.
Or you could tape lettuce and tomotaoes to your body and be a tossed salad...
last but not least get a red and white striped shirt and about 30 mixed pins, wear a baseball guessed it a server at fridays/applebees...whatever you get the idea....
I am kinda partial to ms. understood...

Anonymous said...

Either the grim reaper or a referee would be appropriate...(and fun with the right accessories; scythe or whistle think of the possibilities)

Bonita Martin said...

I love "Ms Understood" and a referee. I'm dressing up as "HR Superstar" (my blog name and SNL skit) because it's fun. Be sure to bring candy!

Anonymous said...

Twist on grim reaper -- grim reaper selling life insurance -- even he's struggling to make ends meet in these times.

HR Underling said...

Roller Derby Girl. Well, that is what I want to be anyway, I am dying to rollerskae around the office slaming people


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