Sunday, October 11, 2009

Random Ramblings of HR Blog Post

I have nothing great to post with tonight. No long story of anything. I have a few that I'm sitting on, but I don't have it in me to write them tonight. But I have a few rambling thoughts. Mostly HR/employment realted.

In case you haven't figure it out by now, I am really bad at opening paragraphs. Like brutally, painfully bad. Like remedial English class bad.

I think that people act like the job that they are in now is the job and they are going to have forever. I believe that's a survival tactic. But think about it, if you you decided that this isn't where you were going to be forever, would you try to make friends? Would you care about long term assignments? Nope.

I forgot to add to Friday's post of weird stuff that happened to me at work (see below), that I once once involved in a bizarre, yet heated, lunchroom table turf war with a group of secretaries that averaged 300 pounds and a pack of cigarettes per day. My strategy was to out-live them.

Similar thought to the one above: I actually watched an entire season of The Simpsons on DVD at work during a day when the VIP's were at a golf outing and I was one of the remaining four people NOT cool enough to go on the golf outing.

I've recently read articles about how the economy is causing more and more depression. Lesson: be a psychiatrist. Just kidding (man, that was just a terrible joke.). But I can see it at DeltaHouse, it's sad. We used to joke, and have fun together. Well, not "me" in the "we", but still. I think people at DeltaHouse notice this, but don't notice it.

If you have a good boss, keep them (as much as possible)! I have yet to have a good boss (the best I had was "average" as told to me by UtopiaSavior), and I've been working since Bill Clinton was president. Good bosses care about you, teach you, and want the best for you - in exchange, you break your ass for them, and work to make them look good.

1 comment:

HR Underling said...

I pimped my cubicle this week with a 8x10 color glossy of Shaun Cassidy.
I have a slighly less exciting 8x10 black and white of a shirtless Andy Gibb...I am taking bids


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