Thursday, October 8, 2009

Weird Stuff That Has Happened to Me at Work

Lots of people have had strange things that have happened to them at work. Here are some of mine...

I once had a manager take her team out to dinner to a fancy steak and sushi place. We ordered drinks and then I notice that there were no menus be given out. Instead massive trays of sushi were brought out. VHRG's lifetime sushi experience up to that point: zero.

I had a boss who would quarterly host parties at her house. No music. No TV. Just drinking and her awful cooking. Why not say you had plans? Because she kept track of your vacation days and knew if you were really skipping town. You have someone coming in town to visit? Bring them along. SLOW DEATH.

I had a boss literally stand over my shoulder and watch me work. Her record: 93 minutes. Previous record: 81 minutes. Times I debated conjuring gas to pass during both records: 6.

The president of a company I worked at kept calling me, "Vince." My name isn't Vince, by the way, it isn't even close. But he's the president, so...

The same president would take time during Christmas (right before raise time) to inform us that the company didn't do that well this year. Totally unrelated, he would be driving a brand new car in February.

For that president, we had a Christmas gift collection that we were "strongly encouraged" to donate money toward (so the guy who doesn't need money has money collected for him for a gift). We would go present him with the gift. And in return, he would give us war stories from Vietnam for an hour. I'll take this time to mention that our IT guy was from Vietnam.

1 comment:

Etan said...

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Muttr is straight to the point, simple, eye pleasing, and extremely easy to use. It will remain my choice for quite some time now! Trust me there's plenty of things I will always need to vent about lol.


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