Thursday, November 12, 2009

Face-punchable offenses

So I had an angry employee email me and copy TheBoss about an issue. Here's the sh!tty part, the person sending me the email never even came to me first in order to solve the problem. They just sent the email and copied TheBoss, forcing me to quickly solve the problem - dropping everything in the process.

This such crime should be punishable by a punch in the face. The person who the email is intended for such be able to either a) slam the sender's head into a doorframe, or b) ball up the fist and blow up the sender's face.

Other crimes that deserve a face-punch/head-slam...

* Re-copying TheBoss when I reply to just you to answer your question. I tried to act like an adult and emailed you back directly, and you opted to re-copy TheBoss in your email reply when this has nothing to do with him, you are just choosing to be an ass. This is more of a head-slam offense.

* The call-no-voice-mail-call-back-repeat. This person calls you. You have no time to pick up, or don't want to pick up. So you flush it to voice mail, you'll deal with it later. Instead the caller, calls you back five minutes later. Then four minutes later. Then three minutes later. Until you pick up. This happens to me once a week by a steady rotation of former employees who are calling me to see if we are hiring again yet. This is a face-punch offense.

* The a$$hole voice mail message. You've gotten this one, "VHRG, this is Whoever. Please call me back." Whoever won't tell you why they are calling, or even what it pertains to (are they a spy? do they need the antidote? are they in jail? were they abducted by aliens? did they lose their TV remote?). They just want a call back. And your curiousity forces you to call them back. And generally the topic is something that wasn't worth the mystery in the first place. Face-punch offense.

* The illogical timetable request. This is someone that wants you to find out something for then. However the person you need to work with is in another time zone, and odds are that person is still in the shower because they just woke up. Meanwhile, six minutes after the request is made, the follow up has already happened. The second follow up is ten minutes after that. The third is four minutes after that. The fourth is them plopping down in your office until their issue is solved. This requires a head-slam.

Got others?


Anonymous said...

Today I had an employee come to my office upset because their ee # was incorrect on some correspondence. I assured them I would correct it in the data base and apologized (who knew that a few wrong numbers were a BIG deal, when they meant nothing on this specific communication). When he finally left, I headed down the hall to pick up my printing and overheard him asking someone else in my department to take care of the same damn thing! He didn't tell her he had asked me, and didn't tell me he would ask her. wtf?

lucentabella said...

On a regular basis, I'd like to punch our IT Manager in the face. Everyday, he stands in the middle of my hallway and talks (at full volume) for at least an hour, if not two hours about whatever sport is in season. The worst part is, he has this not quite Bostonian not quite human accent and a very nasally voice. Ugh it's like nails on a chalkboard.

Anonymous said...

Mine (I call her the Gnome) not only copies TheBoss on every email, but also the UltraBigCheese of the entire corporation. Every email causes me to literally bang my head against the wall before I can begin to answer. Every email asks a question by making a statement about how she interprets the situation. And her interpretation is always wrong. At first I tried to help her "save face" by correcting her privately- until she got an "attaboy" from Ultra for knowing the answer. Now I reply all.


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