Monday, August 24, 2009

New Term: Conversational Turd

A conversational turd is a question that somebody asks, but instead of asking a question., they make a statement. This violates every possible rule of conversation. Basically the person is saying something to you and hoping you react or ask a follow up question to start an actual conversation. They are semi-incapable of doing this because they left a conversational turd out there.

The only acceptable statement-question is an "I need" question. "I need insurance paperwork." "I need turnover figures." Fine. Simple request, simple answer.

"I've been here two years today," means nothing to me. I don't know if you want a raise, a hug, a burrito, me to dance, or a shot of whiskey.


Dan Johnson said...

Shot of whiskey.

Anonymous said...

I love your new term. I get these all the time and am just stuck looking at them and responding "and..."


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